“31 Days to Health, Wealth and Happiness”©

…an Audio Series created especially for you!

Simply by listening and applying the 31 carefully crafted, transformational audio lessons, created by Spiritual Teacher, MarBeth Dunn, you will experience…31_day_Box_with_cds-med

  • Greater PEACE
  • Dimished STRESS
  • Healthier WORK PLACE
  • Expanded AWARENESS
  • More HARMONIOUS Personal and Business RELATIONSHIPS
  • Greater Capacity for LOVE
  • Greater WEALTH
  • Better HEALTH
  • And much more!

This audio program is carefully crafted to create a positive transformation in 31 days. Greater benefits can be achieved by repeating the series on a regular basis.

After completing the program, you may find that you wish to spend more time with a particular exercise. Use the audios as you are intuitively guided.

Keep a special journal to write down your insights and experiences. What do you hope to achieve from this program? Don’t judge yourself, just enjoy the experience!

With love & blessings,


Audio Files

Note: Right-click on the words ‘Click here’ and choose ‘Save File As…’ or ‘Download File As’ or something similar to save the file to your computer.

Day 1 – Center With the Breath
Click here to listen online or download

Day 2 – Drop Into Your HeartClick here to listen online or download

Day 3 – Let Your Love Light ShineClick here to listen online or download

Day 4 – Fan the Flames – Click here to listen online or download

Day 5 – Appreciate It AllClick here to listen online or download

Day 6 – List your GratitudeClick here to listen online or download

Day 7 – Bigger than the UniverseClick here to listen online or download

Day 8 – Listen to your inner voiceClick here to listen online or download

Day 9 – Exploring Your SensesClick here to listen online or download

Day 10 – Get Your Sexy OnClick here to listen online or download

Day 11 – Your present is a Gift!Click here to listen online or download

Day 12 – Your Body’s Talking….Are you listening?Click here to listen online or download

Day 13 – You’re Already a Super Hero!Click here to listen online or download

Day 14 – Notice what you NoticeClick here to listen online or download

Day 15 – Get NeutralClick here to listen online or download

Day 16 – Change it to a PreferenceClick here to listen online or download

Day 17 – Forgiveness is the Key to HappinessClick here  to listen online or download

Day 18 – Release the PastClick here to listen online or download

Day 19 – Let Yourself Off the HookClick here to listen online or download

Day 20 – Shift Your PerspectiveClick here to listen online or download

Day 21 – Love YourselfClick here to listen online or download

Day 22 – Appreciate YourselfClick here to listen online or download

Day 23 – Teach Only LoveClick here to listen online or download

Day 24 – Line up with your DesiresClick here to listen online or download

Day 25 – Sound out – raise your vibration and strengthen your focusClick here to listen online or download

Day 26 – Release Those Pesky Limiting BeliefsClick here to listen online or download

Day 27 – What if? Get sexy with life!Click here to listen online or download

Day 28 – Reality Creation – VisionClick here to listen online or download

Day 29 – Reality Creation – Craft Your WordsClick here to listen online or download

Day 30 – Reality Creation – Embody It! –  Click here to listen online or download

Day 31 – Let it GoClick here to listen online or download

MarBeth Dunn is not a licensed health professional and offers the lessons, meditations, and exercises and all other methods on this website as an ordained minister, certified Kundalini Yoga instructor and as a personal performance coach. Please consult qualified health practitioners regarding your use of anything on this website.
